Friday, November 03, 2006

Unopened letters to God, starting bid; $500

Just having finished reading this article at the Yahoo! news site, I don't really know what is more sad, the fact that many of these people actually wrote letters an earnest plea for divine assistance, that they were thrown into the coean near Atlantic City, or that the guy who found them is trying to sell them on eBay. He sounded nice and moral until the end of the article.


Blogger Bitter Beard Face said...

That's my problem with Christianity: all this praying everybody's always doing. It just seems lazy. I mean, if you're about to make an important decision and you beseech the good Lord to help you make the right choice, that's cool. I get that. But what about all these people who just get down on their knees and ask God to do it for them? I'll tell you what: Lazy. All these people expect God to do all the legwork, and just lay their wishes at their feet. In my day, you had to go to Princeton and be able to benchpress 400 lbs before you could be successful.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Brent said...


10:03 PM  
Blogger Captain Winters said...

500 pound clean and jerk.


8:11 PM  
Blogger Bitter Beard Face said...


8:41 AM  

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